SEN/Learning Support

At St Patrick’s College, we pride ourselves in being able to help our students overcome barriers to learning arising as a result of Medical, Emotional or Specific Learning needs. We are able to offer a wide variety of support strategies and our Personal Learning plans ensure that provision is tailored to the specific needs of each child assisting them to fulfil their vast potential.
Our school believes that developing a supportive and caring educational environment is fundamental to the success of our students with educational difficulties, and in St. Patrick’s, we feel that this is best achieved though placement in smaller classes. This ensures that these students will have more specialised support from the class teacher and creates a less intimidating environment in which our students feel supported, valued and challenged at a level suited to their individual needs.
Other Provision available includes:
- Individual support provided by a committed team of Learning Support Assistants.
- Specialist teaching for English and Mathematics
- Timetabled additional Literacy and Numeracy classes
- A dedicated “Safe Space” for our most vulnerable students
- Time out cards and individually tailored release passes as required
- An early intervention Reading Support programme for Year 8 students
- A dedicated team of 6th Form mentors/ buddies to assist with social difficulties
- Access to a full and suitably varied programme of study
- Special Needs policy based on the Code of Practice
- Close Liaison between staff, specialists and outside agencies
- Home/School Links including parental involvement in the development of programmes of support
SEN Co-ordinator: Mr D Boylan