
At St. Patrick’s College, we recognise that the transition from Primary School to Secondary School is a significant and formative stage in the social and educational life of each of our pupils. It is important to us that this transition is managed successfully and happily so that they can enjoy and profit from their time at school. All year 13s and year 13 Transition students can apply to become a Mentor.

The aims of this scheme are:

  • to provide a support system for year 8 pupils
  • to raise pupils' aspirations and teachers' expectations
  • to encourage pupils to monitor their own progress and identify strengths and weaknesses
  • to increase the self-esteem and confidence of the pupils by giving regular feedback on targets and achievements in relation to their personal ability.

What is a Student Mentor?

Student Mentors will…

Meet with a new student on a regular basis to:

  • Listen
  • Encourage
  • Share your experience
  • Give help, advice and guidance, where appropriate
  • Point to other sources of support or referral

Who are Student Mentors?

Student Mentors are Year 13 pupils who have volunteered to support a new student.

They will be…

  • Good communicators
  • Excellent and active listeners
  • Able to show a sympathetic approach to sensitive issues
  • Able to maintain confidentiality
  • Engages in a positive relationship with the child
  • Gives attention to the child
  • Has a positive self-esteem about himself/herself
  • Reacts well to stressful situations
  • Tolerates frustrating situations
  • Listens well
  • Communicates on a level that the child can understand
  • Is stable
  • Provides leadership
  • Is a positive role model
  • Meets on weekly basis with the mentee
  • Shows up on time for sessions
  • Cares about helping a needy child
  • Is not a judgmental person
  • Is committed
  • Nurtures a relationship that respects the child’s dignity
  • Accepts responsibilities
  • Reinforces student’s success