
About our subject:

In St. Patrick’s College, the English Department aims to ensure that every pupil is developed into an effective and confident communicator, both orally and in written form. Teachers endeavour at all times to be imaginative in their teaching, to facilitate encounters with as wide a range of literature as possible, and to promote enjoyment of English across all ability ranges. They seek to make their classes lively and interesting, with a high degree of student participation.

Specific Aims:

  • To develop the ability of pupils to express themselves effectively, accurately and creatively in spoken and written form
  • To ensure that pupils understand and respond imaginatively to what they read, hear and see in a variety of forms
  • To introduce pupils to a wide range of literary texts and genres and foster an appreciation of literature
  • To develop a love of reading and a growing awareness of the writer’s language skills
  • To teach and encourage literacy skills in English which will be used across the curriculum
  • To increase pupils’ awareness of moral and social issues and encourage pupils to respect the point of view of others through the teaching of English
  • To motivate pupils to achieve their best in a well-structured and caring environment where pupils’ individual realistic but inspirational targets are set and met
  • To embed ICT skills within the context of Communication

Staff members:

Mrs D McBride (HoD)

Mrs U Mullan

Mrs B O’Callaghan

Mrs McTaggart

Mr Gribbin

Mrs McKeown

School Librarian – Mrs Gemma Esler